
6 quick tips for buying blinds in a cassette

6 quick tips for buying blinds in a cassette
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When buying blinds in a cassette it is worth paying attention to several issues. Thanks to this we will choose the most suitable model.

Choice of the type of roller blind

When deciding on the type of cassette roller blind it is worth to consider what type we prefer. You can choose a roller blind with a uniform fabric or with a structure of strips – permeable to light and opaque, which allows for better manipulation of the level of insolation in the room. Roller blinds in a cassette are available in several versions, for example in a day-night or day-night wave version.

Choosing the right color

An important issue when choosing roller blinds in a cassette is choosing the right color. Admittedly, if the roller blind is uncovered, the cassette hides the fabric but when the window is covered it is the color of the roller blind that is most conspicuous. This is also why roller blinds in a cassette differ from other models, such as Roman blinds.

Bright colors, shades of white, beige, pastel colors brighten up the room. They work especially well in smaller rooms, because they help to optically enlarge the space. On the other hand, more vivid colors will make the arrangement gain character. One deep shade can break monochromatic decor.

Reputable manufacturer

It is worth choosing products from reputable manufacturers, who have been present on the market for some time. Thanks to this we will have a guarantee of high quality blinds. It is of considerable importance since this type of product should be equipped with a mechanism that does not jam and should use fabrics resistant to abrasion

Mounting method

One of the important factors influencing the choice of a particular roller blind is the way of its mounting. It is worth choosing non-invasive roller blinds in a cassette. It is installed directly on the window frame, thanks to which there is no need to drill holes or damage the frame. The installation of a cassette roller blind takes no longer than 1 minute.

Quality of the manufacturing of the cassette

In case of the cassette roller blinds, the quality of the manufacturing of the cassette itself is extremely important. High quality material hides the fabric and the whole mechanism. The task of the cassette is to conceal the roller blind’s elements and provide an aesthetic appearance to the whole. However, the most important function of the cassette is to protect the fabric, which cannot get bent, damaged or jammed while being hidden in the cassette. It is worth mentioning that when the roller blind is completely rolled up, the cassette is also supposed to protect the fabric against sunrays which cause fading and excessive dust accumulation.

Ease of use

For the roller blind to work well, the quality of its operation is also important. Side guides enable 100% control of the inflow of external light to rooms. It is worth to pay attention to the option of spatial guiding. It keeps the roller blind material close to the window pane even when the windows are open, at the same time preventing the fabric from “blowing” freely. Thanks to this the fabric does not wave, does not roll and is protected against being torn. An important improvement is also the movable head of the mechanism which adjusts itself to the angle of deflection of the operating chain. This is another protection against breaking of the roller blind and improves the functionality of its operation. Such mechanisms distinguish the best products on the market.

The choice of a roller blind should be dictated first of all by its functionality and attractive design.

Photos: Materials from the client

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