
Drying the land for construction of a house – with the use of iglofilters

Drying the land for construction of a house – with the use of iglofilters
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Building a house requires adjusting the conditions of the land on which it will stand. One of the first key issues when planning a development is to assess the presence and level of groundwater. In case the area is too wet – it is possible to drain it using several selected solutions. One of the solutions that is sometimes used is needle-filtration installation, which allows for permanent lowering of groundwater level. Below we will elaborate on this topic, suggesting why and when needlefilters may prove effective in preparing a plot of land for development

Drainage of excavations and lowering of groundwater level

In many cases, the construction of a house begins with preliminary excavations. These are the beginning of many construction projects, including residential homes. Excavation has a large impact on both the durability of a structure’s foundation and its overall load bearing capacity. Unfortunately, it may turn out already at the stage of excavation that the ground is too saturated with water for the works to be completed.

Then, there is a need to drain the soil and lower the groundwater level. You cannot count on the fact that with the arrival of summer time the water will disappear spontaneously as a result of high temperatures and its evaporation. Unfortunately, but until you remove the excess water yourself, the water level will not change.

Some people then rely on the use of special pumps, whose task will be to dry the excavations. This solution has its advantages, but also obvious disadvantages worth mentioning. First of all, the pumps are not always efficient enough, and moreover – they do not reach the groundwater level at all, but only to the water accumulated in the excavation itself. It is therefore only a temporary and short-term solution.

Needle-filter installations in dewatering of building ground

Drainage of soils by means of needle-filters is much better in this respect. They not only make it possible to lower the ground water level but also to thoroughly drain quite a large area. It is worth emphasizing right away that it is common practice to use needle-filters before excavations start. Thanks to this, the ground is thoroughly drained first and the excavation is not endangered by flooding.

What is the uniqueness of draining installations with the use of needle-filters? They are extremely effective due to the way they are carried out. Needlefilters are placed in the ground at a predetermined depth, with individual devices set about one meter apart from each other. A needle-filter installation may include a dozen or so, or even more than 100 separate needle-filters, connected to a manifold and a suction pump.

Thanks to that, land drainage runs efficiently, systematically and comprehensively. Water level may be even permanently lowered or only for the time of laying foundations, making excavations or carrying out other works. Moreover, needlefilters protect excavations against flooding due to returning ground water.

photo: press materials

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