
What kind of renovation work will a grinder be useful for?

What kind of renovation work will a grinder be useful for?
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In order to determine what kind of renovation work a sander will be useful for, one must first distinguish specific types of equipment. Depending on its design, it will perform certain tasks, such as sanding larger surfaces or those made of wood.

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Angle grinder

Depending on the disc used, an angle grinder can perform cutting, grinding and roughing operations on a wide range of materials. With its large number of discs and attachments, many craftsmen and do-it-yourselfers find that it can even replace other tools. However, when working with an angle grinder, it is very important to never use the wrong disc. Roughing with a cut-off wheel, for example, can cause serious injury

Photo by Patrick Grüterich form

Universal sander

The universal sander is a versatile tool among grinders. Thanks to its iron sanding plate, it can be flexibly adjusted. It is used to work on small to medium-sized surfaces. Its specialty, however, is sanding small, hard-to-reach surfaces: Thanks to its conical sanding surface, it is ideal for precise sanding of folds, corners and edges. The universal sander can be used on wood, metal, painted or varnished surfaces. With the right choice of sanding sheets, both sanding and smoothing are possible.

Concrete sander

Grinds and smooths out irregularities such as paint layers, tile adhesives or carpet adhesives. Compared to a drywall grinder, a concrete grinder can be used to grind and clean hard materials such as screed, concrete or granite due to its higher performance and attachments such as diamond grinding discs or steel brushes. A drywall grinder, on the other hand, is used to grind softer materials such as drywall and putty. A concrete grinder has a similar design to an angle grinder, so you can easily distinguish it from a drywall grinder, which usually has a telescoping handle.

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Oscillating sander

A sander moves across a surface in a circular oscillating motion. It is best for sanding surfaces, and in addition to working on wood surfaces, it can also remove layers of paint or varnish. It is ideal for large and smooth surfaces, but also for corners, edges and rounds. For example, for sanding a paint-covered wooden table. When using the tool, be sure to run the orbital sander in a slightly diagonal or circular motion to achieve a uniform sanding pattern.

Random orbital sander

Unlike the orbital sander, which makes only oscillating motions, additional abrasion is generated by the rotation of the sanding disc. The rotary sander is used for sanding medium to large surfaces. Due to the eccentric sanding motion, the sanding pattern is more even. Even curved surfaces can be evenly removed with the padded sanding pad by rotary motion. The abrasiveness of the material with this sander is very high, so it is ideal for sanding paint and varnish and for preparing paint jobs.

Belt sander

Instead of a sanding sheet, the belt sander has an endless sanding belt. The belt sander is therefore suitable for very large areas because it has high removal efficiency. Its infinite sanding belt can be used for wood, plastic and metal. It is also used to remove layers of paint or varnish. However, precise sanding with a belt sander requires a lot of practice because grooves can be easily formed during sanding due to the design

Plasterboard sander

Used for sanding trowelled plasterboard walls, ceilings and interior walls. It removes wallpaper residue, adhesive residue, paint, varnish and loose plaster, preparing the surface for further processing such as painting or wallpapering. Thanks to the rotary disc and abrasive paper of appropriate grain, it is particularly suitable for working with plasterboard, putty and wood.

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