
Recuperation – advantages and disadvantages

Recuperation – advantages and disadvantages
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Recuperation is a very popular way to create a very economical home that will last us a long time without costing us much. More and more single-family homes have recuperation and it is often combined with a heat pump and a water jacket for a fireplace, which further reduces our bills

What are the advantages of recuperation?

Recuperation involves recapturing heat that is already inside the house. Thanks to this we can reduce our heating bills even by half. The system sucks already heated air from the premises, then cleans it with special filters, to give it back without losing heat. The main advantage of recuperation is the exchange of used air, so you can breathe filtered, fresh air. This is very good for allergy sufferers who have trouble breathing, especially in spring and summer. The exchange of air is round the clock, even with closed windows, which allows for better ventilation of rooms. In summer, thanks to recuperation, the air is cooled and in winter it is heated. This has a positive effect on our well-being and health. Thanks to a constant exchange of air and its filtration, we have a guaranteed hygienic quality, compared to the polluted air outside. Also dust does not settle so often on objects and furniture, which makes it less necessary to carry out general cleaning

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In recuperation systems we can also count on protection against smog, which is ensured by pocket filters of G4 class. With the possibility of installing F7 filter, we can stop up to 90% of dust with a size of 1-10µm and 75% of dust with a smaller size. With modern filters there is also the option of air ionization and its purification from viruses and bacteria.

The biggest advantage of recuperation is saving on heating. You can reduce your home heating bills by up to 50%, because with gravity ventilation, heat loss is much greater, and recuperation makes most of the heat remain indoors. With such a modern system, the demand for primary energy is reduced by 20 kWh/(m2year). With recuperation, the risk of mold and mildew is reduced to a minimum, which gives us comfort of living and safety.

Recuperation disadvantages

The disadvantage of recuperation is quite a large initial investment cost. It pays for itself after about a year, because we save significantly on heating, but for many the price of installing the recuperator may be too high. Part of the funds can be obtained from funds allocated for environmental protection. These are similar subsidies as in the case of installation of photovoltaic panels. To make the cost of recuperation even less, it is worth investing in a much more modern recuperator, which will allow for greater heat recovery. A certain cost will also be the filters, which need to be changed frequently due to the dust and dirt that accumulates in it. Filters are replaced every 12 months or so. You should also include additional costs, such as a service inspection once a year and electricity consumption of about 0,60 zł a day. In order to save money, it is worth connecting the recuperation system to photovoltaic panels

The heat pump is a great way to reduce the amount of energy consumed by your home, but it is also a great way to reduce the amount of energy consumed by your home.

Is it worth to install recuperation?

Recuperation, despite large initial costs, can give us significant and visible savings when it comes to energy consumption for home heating. If we have a house with a large area and we use, for example, gas heating, recuperation may be a very good way to reduce the bills. In addition, you can count on a constant supply of fresh and purified air, which is advisable, especially if you live with children or the house is located on a fairly busy street.

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