
How do you protect your home from excessive heat?

How do you protect your home from excessive heat?
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Excessive heating of rooms effectively hinders our ability to concentrate, rest or simply hide from the prevailing heat outside the windows. During hot weather the house should offer us shelter and guarantee the right temperature and air flow. How to deal with rising indoor temperatures? Rafał Buczek from AWILUX talks about it.

Recent years and climatic changes have accustomed us to the fact that in the summer season we have to deal with an increasing number of days with temperatures exceeding 30°C. Although there are many people who are in favour of a hot summer, none of us wants to bake in our own four corners of the house. Interiors should be a refuge for us, not a place where we additionally fall down from strength, fighting with high temperature. There are several ways to fight against excessive heating of rooms, which are not limited only to installation of air conditioning or operation of a fan

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Photo by Awilux

Insulate the heat

One reason for high indoor temperatures is poor quality insulation in the walls of a building or the installation of inadequate windows. Although these two elements are usually discussed in the context of protection against heat loss, properly planned insulation of a building has a huge impact on ensuring proper conditions in the summer

Experts say that the temperature ranging from 18 to 22°C gives us the most comfortable conditions for both work and rest. As the temperature rises, our fatigue and even weakness increases, making us feel uncomfortable and reducing our productivity,” says Rafał Buczek of AWILUX, a manufacturer of premium windows and doors.

For this reason, when planning construction or renovation, carefully consider the issues of insulation, and also look at the tightness of windows. This will help to increase the so-called thermal inertia of the building, which is an effective way of maintaining a favourable level of thermal comfort in summer

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Photo by Awilux

What windows for your home?

Window frames are not only responsible for light and ventilation of rooms, but they can also stop hot air from entering. When deciding to buy new woodwork, it is worth paying attention to the thermal insulation parameters and appropriate equipment of windows. On the market there are additional elements that improve thermal comfort, such as special glass packages or shielding systems. Modern and above all airtight windows tailored to the design and insolation of the building and the needs of its inhabitants will effectively reduce summer temperatures. At the design stage you can also decide to install windows with selective and solar control glass

Shields will protect against the sun

Our data shows that investors are increasingly choosing to install large glazing. Of course, these have a number of advantages, including exceptional interior illumination, energy efficiency and modern design, but large windows are also associated with high levels of light. That is why windows located in the south or west should be equipped with additional protection systems,” adds Rafał Buczek from AWILUX.

Selection of appropriate window guards depends on solar exposure, type of glazing used and system possibilities. In case of traditional interior roller blinds and shades we have to remember that they are solutions which do not reflect light energy. This means that they will block the light, but not the temperature. External shades are an effective alternative

okna z roletami
Photo by Awilux

Both the external roller blind and the façade blind are an interesting way to decorate the house, and they perfectly cut off the rooms from the world and the outside light. Their additional advantages include protection against noise and burglars. External blinds intercept up to 80% of sunlight before it has a chance to reach the window pane. Roller blinds work similarly, since the air cushion that forms between the glass and the blind acts as insulation. Proper installation of such solutions can reduce indoor temperatures by up to 10°C compared to outdoor temperatures,” explains the AWILUX expert, adding: – Another interesting solution is the installation of Light Control screens, which significantly improve the technical parameters of windows, protect against the sun and protect the panes from heating

rolety zewnętrzne okna fasadowe
Photo by Awilux

Effective protection against excessive heat gain should be planned already at the design stage. The use of good quality insulation and the installation of modern windows with additional covers will effectively reduce the temperature inside. On hot days remember also to avoid opening windows or balcony doors, and ventilate only when the temperature drops.


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