
What kind of foundation for a one-story house?

What kind of foundation for a one-story house?
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Solid foundations are the foundation of any construction. Are you dreaming of building a single-story house and wondering what kind of foundations to opt for? We can help you decide!

Foundations are the most important structural element of a house. Their task is to bear the weight of the entire building by transferring the load to the ground. They ensure the stability and strength of the walls, and prevent them from cracking or settling unevenly. Foundations should be selected according to the type of structure you intend to erect. Which ones will work best for a single-story house?

Differences between types of foundations

The slab foundation is considered the most favorable type of foundation when it comes to the distribution of stresses under the building. Slabs are used primarily when building on weak soil. This type of foundation allows the weight of the building to be evenly distributed, even if the soil under part of the house, such as in the corners, is weaker than the rest. All that is needed is for the foundation slab to be of sufficient thickness and to accept the additional stresses that result from differences in bearing capacity of the ground.

In the case of traditional foundations, such as footings, the most important role in the distribution of loads acting on the ground is played by the width of the footings, which are located under the walls of the building. If you opt for this type of foundation, you need to make sure that the soil has the right strength and bearing capacity under the entire foundation, so that there is no uneven settlement and damage to the building.

Reinforced concrete piles are a third, also popular, type of foundation. They can be considered so-called intermediate foundations, since their task is to reach those soils that are very deep. On the reinforced concrete piles the foundation proper is poured.

What foundation for a one-story house will be the best?

The selection and design of foundations is closely related to certain guidelines. The first of these concerns the weight of the building structure in question. Heavier buildings interact more strongly with the ground. The weight of a house depends not only on the total area of the house, but also on the building materials used and the number of floors. Single-story houses usually have only one floor, unless they have a basement. As a result, single-story buildings are lighter than storied ones, so they can be erected on narrower footings or thinner foundation slabs.

Another factor we must consider before deciding on a particular type of foundation is the soil and water conditions in the area. We should check the susceptibility of the subsoil to deformation occurring as a result of external loading and the height of the water table. The bearing capacity of the subsoil is closely related to its deformability. Under load, the deformability of the subsoil can lead to ground settlement.

Small deformations do not endanger buildings, but if the settlement is uneven, stresses can occur that will lead to damage to the building, such as cracking of walls. It is also worth remembering that the ground can be stabilized or compacted to some extent with a compactor. Such additional measures depend on our financial capabilities, but above all on the profitability of the investment in question. The cost of foundations for a one-story house without a basement is on average 7 thousand USD.

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