
Effective ventilation in the bathroom – what to remember?

Effective ventilation in the bathroom – what to remember?
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The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house, where we must take care of effective ventilation. It affects not only better comfort, but also our safety, which we sometimes forget. What to pay attention to when planning bathroom ventilation? What we must not forget under any circumstances?

In rooms particularly prone to moisture, such as the kitchen or bathroom, proper ventilation is crucial. It allows us to adequately remove excess water vapor and carbon dioxide. It also makes it easier to avoid the health-threatening fungus, which loves damp and warm places. Without proper ventilation, it will be difficult for us to get rid of mold and bad smells in some places. 

Regardless of whether our bathroom has a window that allows us to ventilate the room, we must also take care of other elements responsible for proper air circulation. Other, meaning what kind of elements?


One of the most important elements responsible for effective ventilation in the bathroom is the right door. The key here is the ability for air masses to flow freely, even when they are closed. How to accomplish this? Just choose a door that has built-in holes or a grille through which excess steam can be discharged during or after a long hot bath. 


We can distinguish between two basic types of ventilation: gravity and mechanical. Which will work better in bathroom conditions? 

Gravity ventilation 

This type of ventilation is based on the automatic exchange of air masses thanks to installed ventilation ducts and grilles. Through the ventilation duct, warm and moist air escapes to the outside, while the fresh and cool air has a chance to enter from the outside. Gravity ventilation does not require much interest and financial outlay from us, but we have to reckon with the fact that it is effective mainly in the autumn-winter season, when temperatures outside drop. In summer it is no longer so effective. 

When installing gravity ventilation, we must remember the proper location of the ventilation grille, which must not be at any other height than 15 cm from the ceiling. This height ensures optimal air exchange.

Mechanical ventilation

In principle and design, it is not particularly different from gravity ventilation. However, it is enriched by a small fan located in the ventilation duct. Unfortunately, we must remember that this type of ventilation is not suitable for installation if our bathroom has a gas stove responsible for heating water. Mechanical ventilation grilles should be installed directly above the bathtub or shower stall. This gives the steam generated during bathing a chance to escape quickly. Mechanical ventilation, while definitely more efficient, does have its small disadvantage. We must remember to turn it on. Otherwise, the fan in the ducts further obstructs air exchange, which can lead to unwanted consequences. However, there is a way around this. You can install a sensor that will turn on the system automatically. Unfortunately, its installation significantly increases the cost of the system.

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