
How do you take care of the temperature in the attic?

How do you take care of the temperature in the attic?
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During the summer, the temperature in your attic rises. In some cases it can exceed 30-35 degrees Celsius, so remember to ventilate it properly. Otherwise you have to reckon with condensation and deterioration of the insulating properties of building materials. So control the temperature and humidity in your attic

Factors affecting attic heating and cooling

When choosing heating and cooling options, pay attention to your climate zone, roofing material and insulation. While maintaining the right temperature may seem like a complicated process, it doesn’t have to be.

Whether the attic is to be used as storage or living space, it needs to be properly insulated. Remember that insulation is the barrier between your home and the outside world. It has a big impact on temperature regulation. You can spend a lot of money on heating and cooling your property, but if you don’t take care of proper insulation, it won’t work.

Ventilation is another important factor. A properly ventilated attic automatically lets hot air in and out without trapping it inside. The ventilation system works in conjunction with the insulation, so when deciding on one, pay attention to the construction of the house and the surrounding area

Roofing also affects the temperature. A dark roof absorbs more light and therefore increases the temperature in the attic. On the other hand, lighter roofing can reflect more light. In this way, they protect against high temperatures in the attic.

How do I heat my attic?

Seal any drafts from windows and doors. Extend ductwork from the central furnace to the attic. Additionally, install an electric fireplace that you can use when needed

A traditional attic usually doesn’t have ducts providing heat from a central furnace. If you want to heat it, add a “T” joint to the existing solution. A professional will drill a hole in the attic wall where the heating duct ends. He will then add a vent on the front. You may also want to think about a multi-zone thermostat – it allows you to control the temperature in each room.

If you have a small attic, you can install slat radiators. Attach one or two radiators to the lower baseboards and plug them into an outlet. The heat that rises from the floor to the ceiling warms the room. Strip radiators work well in tight spaces because they stay flush with the baseboard and wall.

If your attic room is used primarily for sleeping and not as a daytime office space, you can also use an electric heater. Set it to a specific, comfortable temperature. Place it away from flammable items such as curtains and clothing. You may not be able to heat the room with it all the time, but it will work well in emergency situations. When looking for a device, pay attention to whether it has a solid construction and an automatic shut-off function.

How to cool the attic?

Before insulating your attic, seal off areas around built-in lights, vents and plumbing and lay down a 6-mil polyethylene vapor barrier. Also make sure your attic is properly ventilated. This way you can lower the temperature by several degrees.

Install a fan. It will cool the room by a few degrees. It works well in conjunction with an air conditioner. A ceiling model is very popular. In the summer, set it to rotate counterclockwise. You’ll save the most money by running it only when you’re in a room.

At night, when the temperature drops, open windows and bring in cooler air with window fans. As soon as the sun comes up or the air heats up, close the windows and doors and close the blinds. That way, the attic won’t be as hot as usual.

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